Our goal is to empower everyone with the knowledge and skills needed to understand and maintain energy systems. When you are off-grid out in the middle of nowhere, it's up to you to keep your system running!
We have been building systems for over 10 years at many scales from car camping to full 500+ acre off-grid living. In all energy systems there are some basics that everyone needs to learn to have the skills to diagnose and troubleshoot their off grid energy system.
- AC/DC language and understanding
- What is energy language (watts, kilo watts, volts, amps, ohms, power) and how they relate to each other.
- Volts * Amps = Watts. (real time power)
- Volts * Amps * Time(hours) = Watt Hours (Energy over time)
- How to use a multimeter
- Series vs Parallel connections
- Wire ampacity ratings (using the correct size wire for the amount of amps your pushing through it to keep fire safe)
- Drawing and understanding electrical solar diagrams